Home School Agreement

Home School Agreement

We will only achieve our vision if there is a shared commitment to this vision and effective partnership between school, families and children. We are one community and we want to work together for our children. In this way they will shine.

The school will:

  • Provide a safe, well ordered, caring and Christian environment where excellent learning can take place
  • Be a place where each pupil is valued as an individual and respected and encouraged to take responsibility for their own behaviour
  • Provide a range of opportunities and challenges to enable all pupils to achieve their full potential and flourish
  • Provide regular information about progress and performance, both formally and informally
  • Provide a rich and stimulating curriculum to meet all children’s needs
  • Ensure equal opportunities so all children can experience all aspects of school life, regardless of gender, race, culture, ability or disability
  • Promote safe and respectful use of IT – both equipment use and on-line facilities
  • Be open and welcoming, and offer opportunities for parents to be involved in the life of the school and to celebrate the achievements of their children.

Parents will:

  • Encourage and support our child’s efforts and achievements
  • Ensure that our child attends school regularly, punctually (8.45 start) and properly equipped, informing the school of the reason by telephone as soon as possible on the first day of any absence
  • Collect our child promptly at 3.20 (unless they are involved in out of school activities)
  • Support and ensure that the school’s policies on behaviour and uniform are followed
  • Support our child with regular completion of homework
  • Let the school know if I have any issues or concerns
  • Act in ways which bring credit to Shoscombe Church School, including use of social networking sites. Please note children under the age of 13 years should not engage in use of such sites e.g. facebook.

Children will:

  • Be thoughtful and kind towards others, letting my teachers know if someone has hurt or upset me
  • Listen to my teachers, work hard and do my best, knowing my teachers are there to help and support me
  • Leave valuable items at home as school cannot be responsible for their safety
  • Care for the school grounds, buildings, furniture, equipment and books
  • Use the internet safely and with respect towards others

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