When the school, parents and students are working together to maximise attendance, this helps to foster positive relationships, high self-esteem, continuity of study and high achievement.
Attendance Matters! Follow the link to explore attendance at Shoscombe.
Children are expected to attend school every day that the school is open (100% of the time) unless they are unable to do so due to illness or unavoidable cause.
The full attendance policy is available via our policies page.
Should you need to request time off school for an unavoidable cause please complete the Request for Absence form below and hand to the office.
What do I do if my child is unwell?
When the school, parents and students are working together to maximise attendance, this helps to foster positive relationships, high self-esteem, continuity of study and high achievement. Regular attendance over time does have a long lasting impact on wellbeing and attainment.
Children are expected to attend school every day that the school is open (100% of the time) unless they are unable to do so due to serious illness or unavoidable cause.
The full attendance policy is available via our policies page on the school website.
Should you need to request time off school for an unavoidable cause please complete the Absence Request Form which is available from the school office or via our website at least three weeks prior to absences.
If your child is unable to attend school due to being unwell, you must phone the school before 9am to let us know.
Shoscombe School like all schools is monitored closely by the local authority on attendance. We are in touch with parents when children drop below 93% as this is a cause for concern. Proceedings are very formal and while these are important we value the relationships we have with parents and will endeavour to support families in achieving high attendance for their children.