Communicating with School

Communicating with School

This page outlines the key information and guidance for the correct lines of communication between the school and parents.

How do parents communicate with the school?

The office is open from 8.30am to 3.30pm each day and will respond to queries by email – or on the school telephone 01761432479. Any urgent emails will be passed directly to myself. Teachers and staff are not able to respond to queries outside of school office hours.

Mrs Rorison is usually at the gate from 8.30am to 8.55am each morning if you have a quick question.

To contact teachers please email the office with FAO TEACHERS NAME. Please note these will be passed on to the teachers by the office during office hours and will be responded to within 48 hours during the working week. Teachers aren’t expected to respond to queries outside of working hours, or at weekends, so please bear this in mind when awaiting a response.

The teachers are available for quick questions that may be answered in the playground at the end of the school day but are unavailable first thing in the morning due to teaching commitments. 

Mrs Webb is available Wednesday to Friday 9am to 3.30pm to support with pastoral needs and attendance. Her email address is;  

Guidance for if you have a concern or complaint about something that has happened in school:

If you have a complaint or a concern about something happening at school, please contact Mrs Rorison via The complaints policy can also be found on the website. 

Guidance for if you have concerns about your child’s progress in school:

What’s already in place: the class teacher monitors the children’s progress and will support and extend children as necessary as part of a normal school day. In term 1, 3 & 5 we hold more formal assessment and pupil progress meetings where the class teachers discuss each individual child’s progress with Mrs Rorison and Mrs Philips. Support is put in place as necessary. These meetings are followed by either a parents evening or a written report where progress is shared with parents. If children have interventions the impact of these interventions are also reviewed at this point and new targets set. 

How you can support at home: The class pages have information about how to support your child and it is important to do the homework tasks as suggested on the class pages. On occasions additional tasks may be advised by the class teacher, SENCO outside agencies. 

When to contact: If you have concerns about your child’s progress or your child is concerned about their progress. 

Who to contact: School office to make an appointment with your class teacher. 

Guidance for if your child has had a falling out or upset during the school day and when to contact the school:

What’s already in place: [vigilant monitoring, supervision – high ratio of staff, logging of incidents, resolution approach in place]. Most situations have already been resolved during the day but your child may still need some support from home to work through their own feelings

How you can support at home: 

Wherever possible we aim to work with children and support them during the school day to resolve issues in the moment. This enables us to deal best with problems as they arise, and in context, as well as building trust and good open communication with children and staff. Sometimes, there will be upsets or incidents which need further support at home even if things have been talked through during school. 

How can I support my child by unpicking something that happened at school?

  1. Can you tell me what happened?
  2. What were you thinking/feeling at the time?
  3. How have you been thinking/feeling since it happened?
  4. Did you tell a grown up?
  5. Did it get resolved?
  6. If not, what could we do to help make things right?
  7. Could you tell a grown up at school if something happened again?
  8. Is there anything else that would help?

When to contact: If there’s anything that is still concerning you then please do contact the school to discuss it.

Who to contact: Mrs Rorison or Mrs Webb (wed-fri) via the school office.

Guidance for if you have concerns about your child’s health, well-being or mental health:

Please inform the school if you have any concerns of this nature

Who to contact: Mrs Rorison, Mrs Webb via the school office. 

How does school communicate with parents?

  • Revamped Newsletter a link to where it is on the website will be sent out to you on Dojo . 
  • Website . Class pages are really important for information about timetables, curriculum & homework.
  • FAQs
  • Dojo announcements eg eta for trip – this is now only an outgoing communication method.
  • Dojo out information regarding for detailed information regarding trips etc. 
  • Opportunities for parents to attend Open Mornings, Sharing Assemblies, Plays, Sportsdays, Workshops and Coffee Mornings. 

What are Class Reps?

Class Reps are a link between home, school and Fossa. Schools give updates on the third Tuesday of each term to Class reps so they are able to support any queries that arise on the year group WhatsApp groups. Class Reps also field queries that arise on the WhatsApp groups to school. Class Reps also support Fossa in obtaining volunteers for events.

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