Our School Day
We aim to provide a calm and nurturing environment where the children can all thrive and be happy.
Please note that we operate a voluntary one way system during drop off and pick up. Please access school from Green Street and depart using Single Hill.
School begins at 8:45am but we open doors from 8.30am. We run a drop and go system at the main gate.Mrs Rorison and another member of staff will greet the children at the gate and children in reception and KS1 will be walked round to their classroom. If you prefer you may walk around with your child(ren) to the classroom.We encourage children to come into the classroom independently, allowing them to hang up their coats and put away their book bags and lunch boxes. The aim of the system is to aid traffic flow rather than to discourage parents from entering the site.
The school day finishes at 3:20pm. At the end of the school Reception and KS1 parents/carers will wait outside the Class for their children to be let out. from the classroom. The teacher lets children leave one at a time, carefully ensuring that everyone is safely with their parents/carer. To ensure effective safeguarding procedures, please let us know if someone other than you is picking up your child at the end of the day. KS2 children will be walked round to the playground and dismissed from there.
If your child is in Sycamore Class and you wish them to walk home please can you email the office stating this and the teacher will then dismiss them without handing over to a parent.
*If your child is in Sycamore Class and you wish them to walk home please ensure that you complete the home arrangements form and hand this back into the school office. This form must be completed each academic year. If home arrangements change please email the office stating this .