Our vision is simple: Inspiring Everyone to Shine. We want to ensure that every child at our school is given the opportunity to reach their full potential: academically, physically, socially and spiritually. We aim to achieve this through a stimulating curriculum, high expectations for behaviour and a caring ethos.
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you and your child to our school. The aim of this website is to give you the key information about our school. However, the best way to find out about our lovely school is to visit and see for yourself. Please call the school office to arrange a visit.
Our school provides a secure and happy working environment where everyone is valued, and where achievements are recognised and celebrated. Without exception, our staff our committed to ensuring that your child receives the best education possible.
It is essential that we, as a school, form a close working relationship with yourself. The school will regularly communicate with you, preferably through email and Class Dojo – an online app that allows quick and easy communication between school and home. We operate an open-door policy, so if you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to speak to us.
Welcome again to our school. We look forward to a successful partnership with you, and are confident that your child’s years at this school will be both happy and fulfilling.
Tania Rorison, Headteacher