British Values

British Values

We teach children to value and respect our differences, but to cherish what we have in common. Our School Core Values are what we share and work together to achieve in all we do and these link back closely to our Fundamental British Values.

We teach children that Britain has its own Core Values, that bind us all together as a country, and that make all who live here special.

  • Democracy
  • Rule of law
  • Individual liberty
  • Mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs

We teach through our curriculum and beyond to ensure our children understand British Values and how they link to Shoscombe’s Core Values, and relate to us all. Here are some examples of when British values are shared:

Curriculum themes and topics

Our curriculum prepares children for life in British Society; this includes developing the understanding and use of money, effective reading and writing skills, collaboration and discussion to research ideas and concepts. Curriculum themes include historical and geographical study in the context of the United Kingdom as well as national and international comparisons.  Topic examples: World War II, the Seaside, The Great Fire of London and Ancient Greece and the origins of Democracy.

Daily acts of collective worship and whole school assembly

Our assemblies uphold our core values of Respect, Aspiration, Joy, Empathy, Resilience and Creativity & Wonder. We focus on one each term and award certificates to children who are displaying these values in and around school. Visitors are invited to lead assemblies including local clergy, ‘Open the Book’ bible story telling team, Wessex Water, our local PCSO and local community members, all of whom reinforce these core values. Each week we celebrate success both inside and outside school.


Respect is one of our core values. It is also taught within formal JIGSAW, PSHE and RE lessons and on an informal nature throughout the school day. Pupils are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms and advised how to exercise these safely, for example through our E-Safety policy and PSHE work on keeping myself safe.


Respect for all faiths and beliefs is promoted in the teaching of  RE as children gain a greater understanding of religious diversity and practices for those religions represented in our school and the UK. Planning for RE is directed by the Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) and we follow the agreed syllabus for Somerset.  The local Churches and other places of worship are visited as part of the RE curriculum. Children are encouraged to talk about their faith and learn about  different festivals through the year.


Promotion of the concept of “fair play”, following and developing rules, celebrating and rewarding success, accepting defeat and participating in activities that promote cooperation with others and inclusion for all form an integral part of the PE curriculum, and our extra curricular sporting calendar.

Pupil Voice

Shoscombe Church School promotes democratic processes through the election of pupil voice teams. This fosters the concept of freedom of speech and group action to address need and concerns. Children see how they are listened to and how their actions can produce results when the processes are followed. As part of our Aspiration theme, we lead children to talk about local politics and further understand the democratic process, and the part they could play in making a difference.

Involvement in key local and National events:

In recent years, we celebrated the Platinum Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II with special events, assemblies and themed lessons. We marked the Royal Wedding with a special whole school tea party and May-Pole dancing. The visit of the Olympic torch and Commonwealth baton was embraced. Each year Armistice Day is remembered and children are encouraged to reflect on this. The children participated in a local art project in 2018 producing ceramic poppies to represent the local men and women who gave their lives in The Great War. These poppies are now on permanent display in the hall in a special made display cabinet.

Through talking to our community we ensure that we move forward in a mutually respectful and tolerant way. Our children perform in a nativity play, and sing Carols. We also celebrate Eid, Diwali and Chinese New Year. We invite parents in to talk to staff to give us greater understanding of different faiths, but work together to ensure we emphasise not what is different, but what we all have in common; our School Core Values, and the values of modern Britain.

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