FoSSA (Friends of Shoscombe School Association)
Who Are Fossa?
FOSSA (Friends Of Shoscombe School Association) is an integral part of the Shoscombe School Community. They are a dedicated group of parents who work hard to raise money to support the school by funding projects such as the building of a new outside classroom, obtaining a grant to facilitate the school’s pollinator project and subsidising school trips. New members are always welcome. Meetings are held at the Apple Tree Pub at least once a term. Look out for the date of the next meeting in the Newsletter. Many hands make light work!
Please check the website for events, donations, shop & minutes
FoSSA meet regularly to find ways to raise funds for our school and also to organise fun events throughout the year.
In recent years they have raised £6000 towards new books for the library and guided reading set. They have given £1000 towards new maths resources and equipment. They donated funds towards Reception book bags, Arts Week, Singing Project and help subsidise trips.
FoSSA also arrange treats for the children including end of year whole school cinema or theatre trip at Christmas, Christmas parties, discos, pancake races, Fun Run and of course BBQs and visits from the ice cream van.
How to get involved
We look for volunteers who can offer as much or as little time as you have so please get involved.
A very easy way to get involved is to join the 100 Club and make a monthly contribution.