Special Educational Needs and Disability

Special Educational Needs and Disability

Shoscombe Church School is dedicated to inclusive practice and welcomes all children and their families, including those pupils with disabilities and special educational needs. This is reflected very strongly in our Christian ethos and our whole school values.

We aim to provide a rich, broad and balanced curriculum that provides relevant and challenging learning for all pupils.

We are mindful however, of the diverse needs of our learners and recognise that not all children will be able to access the curriculum and reach their potential without help.

There may be occasions throughout a child’s time with us when they require additional support and we work closely with families and outside agencies such as Educational psychologists, speech and language therapists, Occupational Therapists and behaviour support to ensure we fully meet the needs of all of our learners

Where children have special educational needs, that is: if they have a learning difficulty which calls for special educational provision to be made for them, that provision will be ‘additional to and different from that which would normally be provided in the classroom’.

Tania Rorison Headteacher is also the SEND Coordinator. She works closely with the teachers to identify those children who are in need of additional support and in ensuring that these children receive the differentiated provision and additional support they require to make good progress.  She does this with the assistance of a team of specially trained teaching assistants. To contact our SENCO  please email Office@shoscomberimary.co.uk

We also have a governor for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). They ensure that the school is held to account for improving outcomes for pupils with SEN or disabilities.

To contact our SEND governor directly please email Anna Holbrook


If you are concerned about your child’s learning, your first conversation should be with your child’s class teacher as they work with your child on a day to day basis and therefore know them best.

For a more detailed account of what can be offered to support children with SEND and how this is implemented, please refer to our SEN Information for Parents 2023- 24 booklet and the Shoscombe Graduated Response to SEN.

Parent Partnership Service

If you would like confidential and impartial, advice and support then the Parent Partnership Service can help you.

To contact them, please telephone 01225 394382 or e-mail parent_partnershipservice@bathnes.gov.uk.

Helpline Hours: 10.00am – 3.00pm
Monday – Thursday term-time only

There is an answerphone available outside of these hours.

Other reports and links

Shoscombe-Primary-School-SEND-Procedures-2023- 2024

SEN Report to Govs 2022 -2023 (1)

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