At Shoscombe we aim for all our children to see mathematics as a vital part of everyday life. We want children to develop a confident and enthusiastic attitude towards mathematics that will stay with them throughout their education.
Our mathematics lessons are based on the National Curriculum Mathematics Programmes of Study (2013) for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, whilst the Statutory Framework for the Early Years (2021) is used in Reception. The underpinning values of the mathematics curriculum are to develop fluency, reasoning and problem solving in each area of maths that is covered.
Children are given opportunities for
- Practical activities
- Mathematical games
- Problem solving
- Group discussions
- Open and closed tasks
At Shoscombe, we use White Rose Maths as the basis for our planning and lesson delivery, this is further supplemented with resources from the NCETM. In EYFS and KS1 we also use the Number Sense Maths programme daily to teach and embed strategies for recall of addition and subtraction facts. This programme is then used as an intervention in KS2.
How we teach calculations to your child
In Key Stage 1, the children are introduced to informal methods of calculating. We use concrete resources, pictorial and visual representations, such as tens frames or Dienes, to explain and record their work. As the children progress through the school, they are introduced to more formal methods of calculating to explain and record their work.
Mental methods first
Children are always encouraged to consider if a mental calculation would be appropriate before using written methods. Children talk about their own methods, whilst listening to others and identifying the most efficient.
Why children need to do written calculations
- To represent work that has been done practically
- To support, record and explain mental calculation
- To keep track of steps in a longer task
- To work out calculations that are too difficult to do mentally
Written methods are taught at Shoscombe with clear progression, beginning with practical equipment and mental methods, progressing to formal written methods. Once new skills have been taught and practised, children move on to applying these to solve problems and to reason mathematically. Our mathematics calculation policy identifies the expected progression through the school.
Multiplication Tables
Multiplication tables are very important for all children to learn. Learning the tables and then becoming confident in using them is an important skill to have as a mathematician. The National Curriculum states that the following times tables must be learned by the end of each school year:
Year 2 – 2x, 3x, 5x, 10x
Year 3 – 4x, 8x, 6x
Year 4 – 7x, 9x, 12x
Mathematical Reasoning
At Shoscombe, we focus on improving children’s ability to use mathematical reasoning. Reasoning skills allow children to approach problems logically, explain answers clearly and consider a range of methods before settling on an answer. Children are encouraged to explain their answers clearly and to think about different methods that can be used to search for more than one answer.
Problem Solving
A problem solving approach is taught which allows all children to celebrate the process of finding possible solutions. Children are given time to test out their ideas, to make conjectures, to go up ‘dead ends’ and adjust their thinking in the light of what they have learnt, discuss ideas with others and be comfortable to take risks. When our children are confident to behave in these ways they are then able to work independently on problem solving. Our teachers support and develop the skills children need to tackle problems by creating a classroom culture where questioning and deep thinking are valued, mistakes are seen as useful, all children contribute and their suggestions are valued, being stuck is seen as normal and children learn from shared discussions with the teacher, teaching assistant and their peers.
What will my child learn in maths?
Addition and Subtraction Progression Map
Multiplication and Division Progression Map
Fractions, Decimals and Percentages Progression Map
Geometry: Properties of Shapes Progression Map
Geometry: Position, Direction and Movement Progression Map
Ratio and Proportion Progression Map
How you can help at home
From Year 2, children have a log in for Doodle Maths and Doodle Tables. This forms the basis for maths homework for KS2. We expect children to practise for ten minutes at least time four times per week. This can be accessed through an app or through the website
Doodle Maths link
Doodle Tables link