This gallery contains 1 photo.
Our Reception class had the most exciting time at the Fire Station in Bath!! Many thanks to the staff for making it informative and such fun…the hose was aimed at Matt Curtis who helps …
This gallery contains 1 photo.
Our Reception class had the most exciting time at the Fire Station in Bath!! Many thanks to the staff for making it informative and such fun…the hose was aimed at Matt Curtis who helps …
Children will come home with spellings stuck into their home contact book on a Tuesday. In their homework books, it would be helpful to write a sentence that shows they understand the word and how to use it correctly within a sentence. They will be tested on their spellings on the following Tuesday morning. The word will have to be written in a sentence in the test too.
Children in Year 4 are expected to know and recall at speed all the times tables facts up to 12 x 12. This knowledge is vital to help them be able to move their maths learning on during year 5 & 6. To help with keeping the table knowledge fresh, please ensure your child uses Doodle Tables, or a similar site, 4 times a week.
Regular reading to an adult is still important, even for the ‘free’ readers as this supports their fluency and expression as well as checking that they understand words that may be new to them and the content.
Please make sure reading records, and books, come into school every day. Your child will take ownership of changing their books as and when needed. Each time your child reads, please date the relevant box and add your signature. We do not require a comment unless you wish to add one.
Please ensure your child is reading for 20 minutes at least four times per week.Please also look at the example films, in the main section of this page, that will help you develop your child’s fluency.
Below are lists of words that children are expected to learn mid way through KS2 (year 4) and by Year 6.
Year 5 and 6 Statutory Spelling List
Year 3 and 4 Statutory Spelling List
Maths apps
There are various websites with games that may appeal. Some are better than other. Please see the links below.
Recommended reading Year 6 Book List
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