Outstanding SIAMS
Dear mums, dads and carers,
Two weeks ago Shoscombe Church School were visited by Rev. John Angle an inspector for Church Schools (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools- SIAMS). I am delighted to report that the grading given to Shoscombe Church School was that of OUTSTANDING. The full report is attached and a copy is available on the school website. Thank you to the governors and staff, parents and children for all their support and their prayers. We are delighted that the dedication and professionalism of the team in Shoscombe was evident to the inspector and the Christian Ethos was reflected so clearly.
This is an excerpt from the report:
The distinctiveness and effectiveness of Shoscombe Primary School as a Church of England school is outstanding
• There is a permeating and inspirational Christian ethos. The school fully embraces its Christian foundation and promotes Christian values in all areas of school life.
• Children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is outstanding and is effectively supported by high quality Religious Education (RE) and collective worship.
• There are outstanding relationships between the school, the church and the local Christian community.
• Every child is enabled to flourish and make excellent progress in their learning because of the school’s outstanding nurturing and caring family ethos.
• Children develop as confident, caring, creative, positive and friendly individuals. Because of the school’s attention to their personal development, behaviour is outstanding.